Welcome to the Central Virginia
Employee Benefits Council


CVEBC was formed as a 501(c)(3) organization in the mid-1990s to provide regular opportunities for local employee benefits professionals to broaden their knowledge of important technical issues, and thereby improve the benefits services being delivered to the business community.



CVEBC members gather once a quarter for a formal lunch presentation and up to twice a year for more in-depth sessions.
Certain types of continuing education credits are available for attendees.

Topics include all aspects of employee benefits

Photo by 1001Love/iStock / Getty Images



the board exists to run the day to day operations of our organization. We consist of a President, Vice President of Programs, Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Membership, Treasurer and Secretary


Get in touch

We are proud of what CVEBC offers the community and look forward to your questions and requests. See below for helpful information